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Find your construction expert

    [group Bathroomfitter]

    [group Locksmith]


    [group Builder]


    [group CarpenterJoiner]


    [group Electrician]


    [group Roofer]


    [group Plumbe]


    [group WindowfitterConservatoryinstaller]

    [group TreeSurgeon]

    [group TraditionalCraftsperson]

    [group Tiler]

    [group SwimmingPoolSpecialist]

    [group StoneworkerStonemason]

    [group SpecialistTradesperson]

    [group SecuritysystemsAlarms]

    [group RemovalServices]

    [group PlastererRenderer]

    [group PestControl]

    [group Painteranddecorator]

    [group LoftConversionSpecialist]

    [group KitchenSpecialist]

    [group GasHeatingengineer]

    [group GardenerLandscapegardeners]

    [group Floorfitters]

    [group Drivewaypavers]

    [group DrainageSpecialist]

    [group Cleaner]

    [group CCTVSatellitesAlarms]

    [group Bricklayer]

    [group BlacksmithMetalworker]

    [group Handyperson]


    Construction Experts connects you to industry specialists connects{ color: #00C0ED }

    Find a tradesman in your area with our quick and easy online connection service. It's free and only takes a minute!

    Areas we have tradespeople

    Trades operate in the areas below:

    Finding the right tradesperson for your project

    Types of Projects


    · New Builds
    · Alterations 
    · Renovations


    · Loft conversions
    · Garage & basement extensions
    · Multi-story extensions

    Commercial & Industrial 

    · New
    · Refurbished
    · Fitout
    · Alterations & additions
    · Renovations

    Community, Church, & School Buildings

    · New
    · Refurbished
    · Listed
    · Alterations & additions
    · Renovations

    Find a tradesperson for your
    next project

    Need help to find a reliable local tradesman? At Construction Experts we do the leg work for you, finding the best tradesmen in your area for your next project.

    We typically work on projects ranging from £10,000 through to £2,000,000. This incorporates renovations, alterations and additions to residential homes,
    Here is some further detail on the builds that we do


    · New Builds
    · Alterations 
    · Renovations


    · Loft conversions
    · Garage & basement extensions
    · Multi-story extensions

    Commercial & Industrial 

    · New
    · Refurbished
    · Fitout
    · Alterations & additions
    · Renovations

    Community, Church, & School Buildings

    · New
    · Refurbished
    · Listed
    · Alterations & additions
    · Renovations

    Post your job for free quickly and easily and it will be sent to trades in your area instantly Immediate responses from tradespeople in your area

    Personalised quotes from available tradespeople


    • Post your job for free quickly and easily.
    • Instant responses from tradespeople in your area
    • Personalised quotes from available tradespeople

    3 Simple Steps

    Finding a local trasdesperson doesn’t have to be complex or stressful. Here is our process:

    Step 1

    Get in touch

    Let's get started. Fill in the form at the top of the page with all the relevant information.

    Step 2

    Connect with industry experts

    Up to 4 local trades will then be in touch to quote for the work.

    Step 3


    Job done. Get responses from local tradespeople interested in undertaking the work.

    Start winning more work – Apply now

    Pick Leads

    Choose the leads you are interested in that are sent through to you daily.

    Customer contact

    Reach out to the customer directly to arrange a site visit and quotation.

    The work

    Schedule in the work and fill up your diary.